Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Cyclope

The Cyclope

In the muthology, there is a imaginary creature : The Cyclope

The cyclope live in the Tartare .

He is very big , he has a single eyes in the middle of its forefead ,

he is a teatcher of the tonner .

His job is a black smith.

He doesn't wear clothes

He is stubborn and hard-working ,this is a bad teatcher

Pierre Bonnet


Dragon or Dragoon signify "Have eye keen"
A dragon Is someone who lives under the world and under the water.
They can fly in the sky.
Dragon wears scales.
Dragons occidental are quick-tempered and violent whereas Dragons oriental are easily-scared and slow.
Dragons are bad and good fairies but dépend if they're Oriental or Occidental.
By Marine


They lives in sky

The Angel is someone who help people and protector. They are messenger of god.

The angel is someone who wears a long dress white, two wings and halo.

They are very friendly

They are good.

Laura B. et Pauline

The Fairy

The fairy is someone who has a long dress and she lives in kingdom féerie.
She is cheerful, small, nice, friendly and helpful.
she has got 2 wings for fly.
She make magic for people.
Alison chabrillat

The Titans

The titans are someone who live en Tartare ( Hell), they are childrens of Ouranos and Gaia, they have fifty heads and one hundred hands.
They live in Hell because their father is afraid of them, but they protest.
They are creatures wich wear dresses.
The Titans are geants and frighten people but they want to be their father.

Arnaud Trincal
[ Source : Dictionnaire, Internet ( Google Images) et Livres créatures imaginaires. ]

The Angel

The angel live in sky.

It's a beautiful creatures.

They are half man and they protect the people.

They wear a cloth wings and they have a halo.

They are nice and good.


personnages imaginaire

She name is Fairy
She from in tree
She is nice, beautiful, little and slim
She loves dance and music
She fly because she had wings
She take flowers to dress themseleves and she smell of flowers
She is good fairy because she helping a peoples


source : livre les fées
livre démons et merveilles

les nains frappeurs

the knockers (nains frappeurs ) are small
1.5 foot tall

he lives in mines andes they haves a very old clothes
the knockers is someone who are bad fairies because they kill a men who spit in the world



Count Dracula (Prince of darkness)

In Pennsylvania (Transylvania) lives the most frightening, worst creature, Dracula or Count Dracula. He is a vampire is someone who is strong and old because he’s immortal. He hasn’t blood in his veins. He sucks a blood so he’s a bloodthirsty man and he becomes a bat only the night. He wears a darks and olds clothes. Dracula is very bad fairy
kenza bahri
(source:dictionnaire larousse et livre créature légendaire)

Monday, September 28, 2009


he name is devil

they live in underwold

they are it like humans

they oblige man to sin

they are red clothes and a trident

they are very bad and they can change in to human

they are horns



The Centaur

They live in Grèce .

The centaur someone who very wild and they are like humans and like horse .

He likes dancing, playing music and he likes drinking win .

They don't have clothes, they have half-horse and half-man, they have the goat-hooves .

Finally, they are friendly and out-going .

Loïse and Elodie

Monday, September 21, 2009


A siren is a woman with tail fish.

She is someone who lives in océan.

She is someone who extremely beautiful but she is quie selfish, too dishonest and not shy at all.

She is sings to attract sailors in a rock.

A siren someone who wears tail fish.

She is a bad fairy.




Wednesday, September 16, 2009


source :http://www.hellokids.com/c_15081/reading/holidays-big-events/history-and-facts-about-st-patrick-s-day/leprechauns

Leprechauns live in Ireland. A Leprechaun is someone who always wears green and old clothes because he hates sending money. A Leprechaun is a fantastic shoe-maker that's why he's rich but he looks poor. He is friendly, most of the time.Buyt he can be playful too.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Welcome Back

Welcome back to school