Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Celebrate between the 22 march and the 25 april. Peoples go to the church, children hunt for egg and meat eat chocolate. Thy say happy easter.
Reneaume Londiche

valentine's day

They celebrate lovers and they send cards !

Valentin and Johan

Valentine's Day

Couples celebrate this feast, they give presents to their beloved to prove their love.
They send cards, they celebrate their friends too day on February 14th .


Locatelli Maeva, Adonicam Axelle

Independence day

American people celebrate Independence day on July 4th.

It is a national feast to celebrate the independence of the thirteen English colonnies.

In the morning there is a military parade and in the envening there are fireworks.

Cyril delaguilhaumie


The children it disguises as monster (fantomes, pirates, vampires, squellette, pumpkin) to go to neighbouring houses to ask for candies the night

Cyril Merle et Nicola Pinot

Independence day

American people celebrate Independence Day on July 4th.

They celebrate American independence and have fireworks.


Taillandier Marie

Chautard aélia


thansgiving :

This is a Christian feast to thank god for their first harvest.

They eat :

- pumpkin soup

- nuts pie


They celebrate this feast on the 4th Thursday of November.

http://colléges .ac-rouen.fr/barbey/site/local/cache-vignettes/L400xH467/happy_thanksgiving-8854a.jpg

Christmas Day

Christmas day is on December the 25th.

People celebrate the birthday of Jesus-Christ. They decorate their homes. They eat with family or friend. A traditional English and British dinner includes roast turkey, brussels sprouts, bacon, cranberry sauce, rich nutty stufing, tiny ... In the morning, the children open their presents.
FRAMERY Domitille

New Year's Day

New year's day is on January the 1st in the Gregorian calendar. People take new year's resolutions for this year. In Britain, an extra round of football (unless new year's day fall on a Thursday, Friday or Sunday).

In United Kingdom, Ireland or Canada, people come on the beaches and run into the water.

Eugénie Rodarie
Anais Faron