Friday, October 15, 2010
Lucien Gachon School
One class for 6ème, one class of 5ème,one class of 4ème and 2 classes of 3èmes.
The school consists in two buldings which have got 8 class rooms and 5 private rooms:
The library, the IT Room,the nurse room,the secretary office,the headeatcher's office,the staff room, an accoutance office and the dinning hall which have got 12 tables
fish club
Sports club
There are multi-activities sports
This club is for all the pupils from 13.30 to 16.30 on Wednesdays
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Ronald Reagan

His parents were Irish. He grew up in Illinois.
He began his career in acteur.
He was governor of California from 1966 to 1575.
He was elected president of United State from 1981 to 1989.
Then he launched the programe of “ guerre des étoiles” for the Cold War.
He signed the treaty on the elimination of nuclear missiles.
Ronald Reagan suffered from Alzheimer's disease.
He died in 2004 in Los Angeles. He was 93.
Domitille F.
Jane Austen
Kurt Cobain

His father is mechanical.
His parents divorced in 1975, when Kurt Donald Cobain had 8 years.
He formed Nirvana ("smells like Teen Spirit" in 1991) and he was songwriter and guitarist of Nirvana with Krist Novoselic in Aberdeen, Washington.
He was a 12eme best guitarist of the magazine Rolling Stone.
Cobain struggled with heroin addiction.
He was dead in 1994 in his home, because he was suicide.
Jordan Chomette

Jimmy Hendrix
Patrick Swayze.

ayrton senna
Franklin Roosevelt

Farrah Fawcett (:

Farrah Fawcett was born on the second of Febrary in 1947 on Corpus Christi ( Texas ). She was the younger of two daughters. Her mother, Pauline Alice, was a homemaker, and her father, James William Fawcett, was an oil field contractor.
She was married with Lee Major from 1973 to 1982 and she was remarried with Ryan O'nal from 1982 until 1997 and they had one soon, Redmond James Fawcett O'Neal on January 1985.
She was actress on Charlie's Angels (Drôles de dames in French) .
She died on the 25 of june 2009 because she had a colon cancer on the 7 october 2006.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
christopher reeve
Alfred Hitchcock

Ernest Hemingway

He was born in Chicago in 1899
his father was a hunter and mother was musician
he was writter and journalist
he hasn't daughter
his wife's name is Hadley
he worked in Paris
he writted books whose names are :"In our tim" (1925) and "A farewall to arms" (1929)
Ava Gardner
She was grew up in Grabtown and in 1941 she was begin's her career , she signs with MGM in Hollywood ( found a young talent ) .
In 1944 her first film seems on big screen . ( Three man in white )
To 33 years she quits the USA and she was arrived in Spain and in 1968 she was shared in Londondefinitely .
Her last film is Harem in 1986 .
In 1986 she was falled ill and she was dided from pneumonia , In London , the January 25 1990 ( 67 years ) .
Franklin Roosevelt
At the November, 8th 1932 he became presiden.

He was the 32 president to the USA and a captain at the 2e big warfar. He was father to the "Sécurité Sociale".
His parent werre : James Roosevelt and Sarah Ann Delano. He came sudent at 14year, in the Massachusetts. He was married whith Eleanor and they have got 4 son.
Franklin died at the night to April, 12sd 1945 and he was 63years old.
Monday, October 04, 2010
Agatha Christie

She was born in England in 1890 and she died in 1976,
Her father is American and her mother is British,
She had one daughter and her husband's name was Archibald Christie,
she spent her childhood england and her teenage years in Paris,
She studied a Paris,
She was a novelis,
She has written " La mysterieuse affaire de styles ", " Mort sur le nile " ..

Freddie Mercury's Biography
He spent his childhood in India. He began his career in 1969. He had lot of group (Ibex; Wreckage; Sour milk Sea; Queen). He composed his own song. He didn't study music but he studied design.


Charles Dikens

Sunday, October 03, 2010

This is a man; her dates are November 1874-24 January 1965. His name is Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill HE changed his name in 1817 when he became duke of Marlborough. Winston Churchill starts a political career in 1900, He is prime minister of d’inglend in 1940, and he is sings with Roosevelt Charter of Altantique in august 1941. His a leader of the conservative party. Winston is nobel prize of literature in 1953, he dies a London in 1965.
Jackie Kennedy
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Ronald Reagan
He is not birth in politic: he has one father seller on choose and one mother puritanisme protestant militant.he is a military,reporter of sports,actor of cinema...
Friday, October 01, 2010
# ~ The princess Lady Diana ~ #

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Al Capone
His parents were neapolitans immigrants, he had a wife and one son.
He spend his childood in Brooklyn.
He was a famous gangster and his nickname was Scarface because he had a scar on the cheek. He won a lot of money because he did underground business (alcoholic drinks) during the Prohibition.
He went in jail for tax fraud.
He died in 1947 of heart attack.

Marilyn MONROE (Norma Jeane Mortenson)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Charlie Chaplin

A man is Charlot.
*His father is Charles Chaplin , was a music singer. He die at 37 years old, so Charlie know him littlle. His mother is Hannah Hill (Nickname=Lily Harley), was a dancer and actress. Charlie loved she. Charlie had two half brother (Sydey(father:we don't know) and Wheeler Dryden(father:Léo Dryden). He grew up on Walworth, then were placed to orphans.
*He was married four times: -First of all with Mildred Harris (1918-1921)
-Then with Lita Grey (1924-1927)
-Paulette Goddard (1936-1942) (maririage secret for a trip)
-Finaly with Oona O'neil (1943-1977 (chaplin's dead))
He had eleven children (including one deaceased) and four wives all younger than him.
*Her character "Charlot"(for the french and "The tramp" for the anglo-saxons) appaears for the first time in "Charlie is pleased with himself" (Kid Auto races at Venice), February 7, 1914.
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Ghost
They are invisible, colouress, quite and silentful.
They come back and haunt humans.
They wear different clothes like a dress, a trousers or t-shirt...
Some are bad fairies (they trouble human's night) but some are good fairies (they stay close to people and protect and help children.

They are small and fat. Boys have long beard, they are sensible, sociable, wise. They can live 150 years.
They carve, pick forest berries, fill their bags easily.
They hide their house in ground floor, and they play and listen to music.
They wear pointed shoes, long tunique, trousers under tunique, old hat. Their clothes are on naturals fibres, cotton, wool or skin.
Sometimes they decorating them with flowers and folliages.
Their clothes are of lively colors.
They are good fairies because they are happy most of the times.
Smurfette (in French: Schtroumpfette)


The Unicorn

She is magic , fabulous , nice and she represents the fecondity and love.
She purifies water of poison and she cures people. She is a good fairy.

The fairies live in the hills, rivers or trees. They are like little women with wing like butterfly or dragonfly and they are very beautiful ! They make sure nothing happens to men. And they make the changing season and speak with animals. They wear a little dress make with leaves. They are good fairies because they take care of the nature and animals.
Joséphine & Axelle (:
The Nymphs

The nymphs of water live in the water, they are caring , beautiful but they are a bit bad. The good nymphs protect girls and the bad nymphs drown people when he come into water.
They wear a dress with a fishtail.
The good nymphs cure people when they swim in their water.
Elodie Londiche et Galéane Boissière
Source de l'image :



Siren are from an isle in Mediterranean sea. They're beautiful, stirring and seductive. They sing to make sailors come near them, but Ulysse hasn't been seducted. They are half-woman and half-fish. They're bad fairies beacause their songs give the signal for a storm.
Eugénie & Anaïs
The ogres
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

They are bad fairies because they are cruel and violent. Chiron is the only good centaur because he doesn't fight against human and trains gods and heroes.

Baptiste and Antoine.