Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Charlie Chaplin

A man is Charlot.

Charlie Chaplin

*Charles Spencer Chaplin Jr.(Nickname=Charlie Chaplin) was british. He was born April 16 1889 in London and he was die December 25 1977 in Vevey (Switzerland) at 88 years old. He was director, actor, producer, writer and composer. His films are in black and white.

*His father is Charles Chaplin , was a music singer. He die at 37 years old, so Charlie know him littlle. His mother is Hannah Hill (Nickname=Lily Harley), was a dancer and actress. Charlie loved she. Charlie had two half brother (Sydey(father:we don't know) and Wheeler Dryden(father:Léo Dryden). He grew up on Walworth, then were placed to orphans.

*He was married four times: -First of all with Mildred Harris (1918-1921)
-Then with Lita Grey (1924-1927)
-Paulette Goddard (1936-1942) (maririage secret for a trip)
-Finaly with Oona O'neil (1943-1977 (chaplin's dead))
He had eleven children (including one deaceased) and four wives all younger than him.

*Her character "Charlot"(for the french and "The tramp" for the anglo-saxons) appaears for the first time in "Charlie is pleased with himself" (Kid Auto races at Venice), February 7, 1914.

*His latest film is "the countess from Hong-Kong" in 1967

Chloé Hiberty 3¹

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